Friday, October 8, 2010

Toxic Links and Zio-Nazi Crime Spree

Toxic Links and Zio-Nazi Crime Spree

For more: Toxic Links and Zio-Nazi Crime Spree

Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon are victims of Zionised American Terrorism.


Zionism is worse than Nazism

Zionism is racism

What is the Zionist State of Israel???

Who Is Wrong - Israel Or Palestine?

The Genuine Offer of Ehud Barak at Camp David (2000)

Distorting the Camp David negotiations

Israeli Holocaust in the Occupied Palestine Was Conspired before Hitler’s Holocaust

Israeli Holocaust Continuum

Israel is a US client state and now we have confirmation that Washington essentially begged Tel Aviv to continue the illusion of a “settlement freeze” over the moribund “peace talks”. God help the Middle East.

Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews

Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews

Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat

Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals

Jewish Shariah (“hadith”) and Stone to Death.

Jewish Women Must not Vote

Who Are Israetards?

Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,' Says Senator Hollings

Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel

Invasion of Iraq is an act of Terrorism and these crimes were designed to To cover up the Israeli Holocaust in the occupied Palestine.

Advisers pushed for war against Saddam as soon as Bush took office

USA is the most undemocratic state in the world

Israel Controls USA

If Americans Knew (videos)

This is how Israel controls your media

Who Is a Semite?

Do You Know Who Is a True Jew?

What is a Judeo-Christian culture?

Osama bin Laden! Guilty or Innocent?

Osama bin Laden to Slaughter the Arabs and Muslims?

Afghanistan! A Graveyard of Western Prejudice and Bigotry?

Afghanistan! Another Ancient Crusade of Our Time!

Afghanistan to Dickensian England! What Do You Think About It?

Afghanistan is Good

USA Must Quit Afghanistan Now

Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."

Ahmedinejad DID NOT say ‘9/11 is an inside job”

Agenda Items and Resolution of WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM 2001

Full Text of President Ahmadinejad’s Remarks at U.N. Conference on Racism

Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - 23 September 2010

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the UN General Assembly, Sept. 24, 2009

Beyond Israeli Nuclear Terrorism


All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 99.6% Aren't!

Who was behind 9/11?

Who are the beneficiaries of 9/11?

Is it true that 94% of American terrorism emanated from non-Muslim sources?

Is it also true that 7% of American terrorism emanated from Jews?


Tariq Ali and Paul McGeough

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of British people convert to Islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Faruque Ahmed and Newt Gingrich Debate Links

Faruque Ahmed and Geert Wilders Links