Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection

Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection

I have answered most of your questions in Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection. Should you wish to explore further please visit Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection and this message ( of Sydney Taxi Corruption.

I believe in free speech and I condemn censorship.

--- In, callsignmag@... wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

Because he's on this list...

Alan in London

In a message dated 08/09/2010 01:21:23 GMT Daylight Time, jdkiernan2@... writes:

How is he any different from your run-of-the-mill spammer?

--- In, callsignmag@... wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers


Why are you bothering to attempt a discussion with someone who could probably best be described by any normal person as a fascist? He only knows how to pass along websites and in all honesty has no views worth listening to? Peer obviously knows him well...

Alan in London

--- In, "frederickspoons" wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

Forgot to mention that an obtuse angle coming from a cab trade editor means; adj.
a. Lacking quickness of perception or intellect.

b. Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity: an obtuse remark.


--- In, "frederickspoons" wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

Coming from cab trade editors perhaps it was an Obtuse Angle

ps An obtuse angle is an angle measuring between 90 and 180 degrees.

--- In, TAXITIMEINC@... wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers


Posted by: "Don McCurdy" _dmc@... _ Sun Sep 5, 2010 6:43 pm (PDT)

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

Mostly I don't pick on people's grammar or grandma, but magazine editors should be able to tell the difference between a gay angle and a gay angel. Conceptually it is difficult for me to imagine a gay angel. Dmc

Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection

For more: Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection


I don’t think I am a rocket scientist and I have been contributing to a number of debates and discussion forums during my “intervals” while I get interrupted by a few only. However, I have to remind you about the existence of Oxford, Webster, Macquarie and many other dictionaries.

Anyway, let’s start from here!

1. Who was behind 9/11?

2. Who are the beneficiaries of 9/11?

3. Is it true that 99.96% of European terrorism emanated from non-Muslim sources?

4. Is it true that 6% of American terrorism emanated from non-Muslim sources?

5. Is it also true that 7% of American terrorism emanated from Jewish sources?

The Israeli Connection

A. Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel.

B. Iraq: A War For Israel

C. Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and war between Iraq and Iran was conspired before 9/11

D. The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan was conspired before 9/11

E. AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel

F. Theodor Hartzl, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Joseph Weitz, The 1952 Law of Entry, The 1952 Citizenship Law, The Law of Acquisition of Absentee Property, … are only a few examples to prove the fact that the Zionists were conspiring to create racist Israel long before Hitler's so called holocaust and they were also planning for the painful and slow motion Israeli Holocaust in Palestine.

G. Zionism is worse than Nazism. The Sacred Cow strengthens the argument further. Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum and The Iron Wall remove any shred of doubt. Yet, poor Palestinians are terrorists in their own mothers' cradle, backyard and schoolyard! Ironically, the invaders from all over the world are victims because they are holding passports from "God" (?)!!

H. First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878

I. United Nations Partition Plan-UN Resolution 181, 1947 / Rhodes Armistice Line, 1949

J. Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000

Jewish Beauties!

a. The complete guide to killing non-Jews.

b. Openly inciting against non Jews.

c. Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

d. Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

e. Conspiring to murder Jesus

f. Jewish Shariah (“hadith”) and Stone to Death

g. Harlot, Mishnah and Sex with Children

h. Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals

i. In Israel “bullying women in the name of God".

j. Women Sent to the Back of the Bus in Israel

Records of American False Flag Operations

USS Maine was it a conspiracy or convenient accident? According to Cavalry to Theocracy the US Cavalry to loot and rape native Indians, Pearl Harbor to trigger WW2, Gulf of Tonkin to trigger US terrorism in Vietnam and the 9/11 was a trigger to restart crusade against Muslims and Arabs while the 9/11 of 1967 is dead and buried under the water! The Theocratic Iranians Audacity ought to be the reason to unleash Zionised American Terrorism in Persia. Nothing new!

Could you kindly respond to Alan, Dennis, Don and Peer please? LOL

They are taxi drivers, magazine editors from four continents and they don’t like to read, investigate, analyse, …. . They love it through their eardrums while they are driving and making money. No wonder Rush Limbaugh is getting richer!

--- In, callsignmag@... wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

I haven't bothered looking up the website but thanks for proving the point that you are a waste of time on this list because as you are obviously incapable of discussing anything...

Alan in London

--- In, "Don McCurdy" wrote:

RE: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers


--- In, Dennis Kiernan wrote:

Hey, Faruque, when are you going to respond to the questions that were put to you?

--- In, Peer Lindholdt wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

"First, what gay angel?"

Typo Don, was meant to be 'gay angle' in response to Alan in London's "Now we're getting somewhere. Faruque is gay and blames Israel for it!"

All a bit of jesting.


--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

For more: Beyond Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Beyond Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

You speak of my statements not being rational ??? LOL

My statements are mild and sane compared to your continued goofy ranting... such as... " Your statements are lacking of any rational whatsoever. Your views re-iterate the effect and power of propaganda." blah blah blah" By the way, the word usage in that sense is spelled "rationale" not "rational." And "reiterate" does not have a dash in it.

Do you really think your writing/thinking reflects any first hand rational thought ??? You are actually repeating what someone else has said or written before you !! Your continued use of the term "spin-doctor," for example, is a very irritating word that someone else made up. Do you think that "you" are exempt from propaganda and spin doctors ????

"We are what we learn...." That is an old psychological term (Freud, I think) that speaks volumes of who and what we are.

Who and What are you ???


--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Beyond Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

For more: Beyond Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

Further to Debate vs Murdering Free Speech my responses are in red.

No one knows who was behind 9/11. It is a trial by media. Israel and neo-cons are the beneficiaries of 9/11. Your statements are lacking of any rational whatsoever. Your views re-iterate the effect and power of propaganda.

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

I do not like Newt Gingrich, but I somehow agree that there should be NO mosque built in the area of Ground Zero. Permitting a mosque at the 9/11 site would be an affront to the people that were murdered there on that day. I feel it would be an affront to ALL Americans.

If I had the power, I would deport ALL Arab Muslims from the shores of the United States and put out a sign... MUSLIMS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE !!

To all freedom loving peoples...

Islam is like CREEPING DEATH !!


USA got money. The Arabs got the oil. They need each other. No one needs war to buy oil. Please remember, Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq: A War For Israel and Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq are state inspired violence. Iraq provides further evidence and therefore attacking the messenger (Faruque Ahmed) is not a good idea.

--- In, "Don McCurdy" wrote:

RE: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

First, what gay angel? Second, the search for bin hiden hasn't cost 3 trillion. Third, anybody that believes the Mossad might have orchestrated 9-11 is an idiot. Fourth, as usual, the first order of business of any peace talks is concessions on Israel's part. It ain't happening. Dmc

Faruque Ahmed’s T-Shirt and Peer Lindholdt of Promiscuity for Virginity condemned you and these sites exposed your lies. You or anyone for that matter can present your case in a civil manner.

--- In, Peer Lindholdt wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers


Now we're getting somewhere. Faruque is gay and blames Israel for it! I'd like him to give his view on 9/11 - not from a website but by typing his answer here...

Alan in London

Alan, I had never thought of the gay angel. Maybe he used to be one of Bin's dancing boys?

As for Bin Laden, I suspect he died from kidney failure 4-5 years ago and that the US is only keeping the SOB 'alive' to justify spending 3 Trillion dollars chasing a ghost. All we have had from Al Qaeda in the past 5 years are audio tapes purporting to be Bin Laden. Bastard doesn't even post on YouTube anymore.

As for Faruque's take on 9/11, it was financed and orchestrated by Mossad. He might even be right.

Just hope he doesn't influence the peace talks too much. Israel might have to relocate to Tasmania in Oz. Truly, it has been suggested before.


--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

For more: Debate vs Murdering Free Speech

Further to Racism and Sectarianism Inspired Violence my responses are in red.

The Role of shock jocks, spin doctors and tabloid trash media outlets in Australian election is at your service. Like Peer’s Peers Australian media outlets love to murder free speech and they are afraid of open debate.

Submission to Propaganda, No Mosque at Ground Zero, Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam, Video: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan, Newt Gingrich Praises Anti-Defamation League for Opposing Proposed Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero, Newt says WTC mosque construction is a "political act" on NY1 News, Newt Gingrich Statement on Proposed Mosque/Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero and many other links and forums contain my contributions and they are subject to public scrutiny.

--- In, Dennis Kiernan wrote:

He said he believes in having a dialogue, to promote world peace and understanding I think it was, so I'm anxious to see his reply to the couple of simple questions I asked him.

Or is he maybe more concerned with other things than world peace and understanding?


Your baseless personal vilification and intellectually bankrupt question does not warrant an answer.

--- In, callsignmag@... wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers


Now we're getting somewhere. Faruque is gay and blames Israel for it! I'd like him to give his view on 9/11 - not from a website but by typing his answer here...

Alan in London

--- In, "Don McCurdy" wrote:

RE: [Taxi List] Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

Is it me or does it seem the biggest bigots complain about bigotry the loudest? dmc

Film is not history. Misguided Modern Day Crusaders is at your service. Please present your case in that link with intelligence and integrity. One day the whole world may share your words of wisdom.

--- In, Dennis Kiernan wrote:

Having a big beef with Israel is very understandable. But the Muslim whackos who are bent on spreading their faith by the sword have nothing to do with Israel and are in the same league as the Nazis. There are no Israelis in the Sudan and look what they've done there.

BTW for anyone who wd like a reminder of what the Holocaust was, I recommend Polanski's film, "The Pianist", based on the true story of a Polish pianist. It won 3 Oscars in 2002 and is a great great film.

Peer’s Peers,

Faruque Ahmed’s T-Shirt and Peer Lindholdt of Promiscuity for Virginity condemned you and these sites exposed your lies. You or anyone for that matter can present your case in a civil manner.

--- In, Peer Lindholdt wrote:

Re: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers

But you don't discuss anything. You just forward a website or make ridiculous statements that sound more like a spokesman for Bin Laden than a taxi driver...

Alan in London

You are right, Faruque doesn't discuss anything when it comes to Middle Eastern politics. He is an activist-provocateur against the State of Israel and Jews in general.

Ten years ago he turned up at a union meeting in Sydney wearing an "I love Bin Laden" T-shirt.

He has a right to his views but I find it offensive when he bombards lists like this one with his hateful rasist crap.

I would have moderated him long ago.


Racism and Sectarianism Inspired Violence

For more: Racism and Sectarianism Inspired Violence

Further to Israel Centric War and Hate due to politician and media inspired racism and sectarianism many tragedies are happening around the world.

Prominent activist Faruque Ahmed has been chasing a few of them like;

Muslim Worshipers Attacked Outside Australian Mosque

Redfern Mosque Attack

Stabbed Muslim cabbie to enter Ground Zero mosque spat.

Media outlets and politicians are trying to hide them under the carpet.

Shooting sacred cows The Australian, 3 Aug 2010, Church to burn the Koran to mark 9/11 Adelaide Now, 31 Jul 2010, Christianity can combat Islam threat Daily Telegraph, 29 Jul 2010, … are not new!

Before 9/11 Salman Rushdie was engaged to lead the “moderate” Muslims!

After 9/11 a misfit, promiscuous and self proclaimed lesbian Ershad Manji was given the red carpet to guide the “moderate” Islamic entity!!

Today, the “messiah of women” Ayaan Hirshi Ali is given the money and power to spew her reckless venom against Islam!!!

Would you believe the demands for 50% Mosque Spaces For Women and support for Muslim Women Priests came from non Muslim politicians and spin doctors. They also facilitated anti-Muslim Meal Ticket in Germany.

In short, the Israetards, Israeo-Nazis and Zio-Nazis are also behind Salman Rushdie, Bin Laden, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, Norma Khouri, 50% Mosque Spaces For Women, Tanvir Ahmed, 72 Virgins to Nothing, Muslim Women Priests, Actual Australian Muslim Virgin, Meal Ticket in Germany, Monica Ali, Burqa, Bushfire, Dog, and many other anti-Muslim and anti-Arab vendetta. All of those items above are carefully crafted and nurtured “accelerants” to create bushfires around the world between various sex, race, religion and people.

Western media ignore Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews, Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews, Settler Rabbi publishes “The complete guide to killing non-Jews” — UPDATED, Jewish Venom Continuum and Zionism Is Incompatible With Any Society. Most likely they are afraid of the Jewish forces.

However well connected and financed Mullahs are not trotting the globe to denounce Christianity for:

Misguided Crusades



Child Abuse by Christian Priests.

Even the Muslim “fanatics” are not denouncing the Jews for:

The complete guide to killing non-Jews.

Openly inciting against non Jews.

Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

Conspiring to murder Jesus

Jewish Shariah (“hadith”) and Stone to Death

Harlot, Mishnah and Sex with Children

Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals

Therefore the Muslims must be peace loving contrary to baseless propaganda.

Israel Centric War and Hate

For more: Israel Centric War and Hate

Shock jock and hate merchants inspired Hate Crimes in Australia, USA an elsewhere can’t be denied.

USA got money. The Arabs got the oil. They need each other. No one needs war to buy oil. Please remember, Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq: A War For Israel and Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq are state inspired violence. Iraq provides further evidence and therefore attacking the messenger (Faruque Ahmed) is not a good idea.

Debate and discussion can advance an idea, remove confrontation and improve understanding. For some reason Taxi-List members are having some difficulties in accessing my communications.

On order to remove problem of this nature I am dedicating a few blogs and sites. Hope you will enjoy them.

Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers and for more: Taxi-List and Taxi Drivers are at your service.

All links mentioned in Australia to America and Taxi Drivers are working. In case of any difficulty you are welcome to visit and make a comment should you wish.

In these links you may find at least 14 links of Newt Gingrich where I made my position very clear with absolute determination. You too can make a contribution over there instead of making unsophisticated remark about me.

--- In, callsignmag@... wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

...and with the freedom to practise it!

Alan in London

In a message dated 01/09/2010 02:46:13 GMT Daylight Time,
jdkiernan2@... writes:

Every religion has its loonies, Faruque, and you're one of them.

--- In, "Don McCurdy" wrote:

RE: [Taxi List] Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

What "issue" is it that you think "taxi industry activists can't maintain silence about," some whack job attacked a driver because he was muslim or religious bigotry? The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are about Israel? For some everything is about Israel. For them I would say the problem is in the mirror, so why don't you start looking there? Bigotry whining about other bigotry will have a hard time gaining traction with Americans, at least this American.. Unfortunately, your obvious bias negates any value your argument may have.


--- In, Dennis Kiernan wrote:
Re: [Taxi List] Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

Every religion has its loonies, Faruque, and you're one of them.

--- In, Joseph Minnich wrote:

Re: [Taxi List] Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

Majority of these links don't work... why don't you give us your opinion on things Mr Faruque.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Biplobi Faruque
union_faruque@...> wrote:

What do you know about Stabbed Muslim Taxi Driver in New York?

Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

For more: Australia to America and Taxi Drivers

Stabbed Muslim cabbie to enter Ground Zero mosque spat, Redfern Mosque Attack, Muslim Worshipers Attacked Outside Australian Mosque and Quinn Mosque attacks are examples of state and media inspired terrorism!

Osama bin Laden! Guilty or Innocent?, (Who Invented) Osama bin Laden to Slaughter the Arabs and Muslims, USA Must Quit Afghanistan Now and the last ten year abject failure can’t be covered up with racism and sectarianism.

The illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan are Israel-centered and resource oriented sadistic geopolitical game! These conflicts had nothing to do with Australian defense and safety.

Please remember, Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq: A War For Israel and Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq are state inspired violence.

Taxi workers or any other workers for that matter do not have to put up with these barbaric acts.

So called taxi industry activists can’t maintain silence about this issue.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Re: Australia to America

Stabbed Muslim cabbie to enter Ground Zero mosque spat due to incitement of populist and opportunist politicians like Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and like minded shock jocks, spin doctors, … .

For further information you are welcome to visit the following links:

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Australia to America

Newt Gingrich's "Intellectual leadership" ????? LOL

Newt Gingrich does NOT even have a brain !! Duh....

Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Re: Australia to America

Newt: Building of the mosque is a political statement of ‘shocking arrogance.’

A Reply to The Economist's Mosque Article

Newt and Callista Speak at the Mother of Life Conference

Free Cities

To Save America Tuesday: 21st Century Threats to National Security

No Mosque at Ground Zero

Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam

Video: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan

Newt Gingrich Praises Anti-Defamation League for Opposing Proposed Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero

Newt says WTC mosque construction is a "political act" on NY1 News

Newt Gingrich Statement on Proposed Mosque/Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero

In Australia many shock jocks, spin doctors and opportunist politicians love to incite against the Arabs and Muslims based on false and fabricated reasons and grounds!

As a result we had a number of tragedies in this country. However the media and politicians skillfully covered them up!!

Shock jock and hate merchants inspired Hate Crimes in Australia

Further to Muslim Worshipers Attacked Outside Australian Mosque, Islam and Arab Bashing, Beyond Islam and Arab Bashing, Is He Guilty Because Of His Religion?, What Do You Think About This Muslim Terrorist!, Bangla Barta, Double Standard and Hypocrisy in Australia, Faruque Ahmed Facing Electronic Sabotage, Tracking Islamic Terrorism, Beyond Sydney Mosque Attack, Gutless Bangladeshi Embassy and Government and Letter of Local Area Commander let's examine the well oiled anti-Muslim zeal propagated by the Zionist and Zionised forces around the world.

Complaisant authorities and media outlets are silent! Redfern Mosque Attack and many more sectarian attack victims are silently crying for justice.

Hope shock jocks, spin doctors and opportunist politicians will refrain from inciting against Muslims and Arabs for their lust and greed.

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